Welcome to San Nitty
There have been many sunrises in the history of mankind, but few have ever risen on such a glorious day. On this day, I, Dusty Void, wish to share with you many of the stories of world. Bet you have never heard of San Nitty. It is a town named after the patron Saint of Dunsels. Not to be mistaken for the Patron Saint of the Worthless Miracles, although they have a lot in common. Why am I telling you these stories? Well, I lost a bet, so sit there and listen to what I say or leave, if that is better. Can’t blame you for wanting to make like a baby and head out, Nothing exciting ever happens in this town. But still, just the same, here are the… wait, I should make a catch phrase here. Let’s give this a try…
I Am, sincerely, D. Void of San Nitty.