January 14, 2021 Fuzzy Zeller woulds not, but Tiger woulds.
He was not sure how he was able to get himself into this situation, but there were cheese slices to his left, and cheese slices to his right. Clarence knew he was a goner if he didn’t think fast. Knowing that the cheese slices are endangered and that Gretta Thunderbirdberg has been gathering support to protect the defenseless cheese slices. Clarence did all he could and even went as far as to double flatus filter every possible flatus ports. To ensure no flatus had slipped past the filters, Clarence struck a match. It is rumored that he may have witnessed the Blue Angel (not to be confused with the Blue JeDrew), before making the sacrifice to save the slices.
Nobody likes golfing with cheese due to the amount of slices. I Am D.Void of San Nitty.