December 31, 2020 Old School Canadians
I Am an Old School Canadian. Yeah, the Canadians. You remember, the ones that are always sorry. That’s us. Sorry we are sometimes wrong and sorry we are sometimes right. Hell, we have been sorry for things we had nothing to do with. But that’s what it means to be Canadian.
But then there are old school Canadians who are sorry for a little more. Old School Canadians are sorry we are nothing special. We are sorry we came from hard times and we got good at counting on ourselves. We are sorry we got good at counting on the others around us. We are sorry there are not as many of us now. We are sorry we are quietly proud. Old School Canadians are sorry they made a name for themselves in history. We are sorry that we gave so many of our sons and daughters to help our allies. We are sorry we had to be so determined that we sometimes didn’t stop fighting until the enemy wanted to stop. We are sorry we sometimes didn’t stop fighting and we are sorry some of us didn’t come home. We are sorry we made a name for Canadians as good honest hard working people that don’t like a fight, but will show up if called. We are sorry for the things we had to do to earn global respect. We are sorry we treated POW’s so well they didn’t want to go home. We are sorry we know we will not bet treated the same by our enemies. Because of Old School Canadians, the New School Canadians now have to figure out if they are as sorry a bunch as we were.
I Am sorry I grew up in one of the most amazing countries in the world, and I Am sorry most of the entire world has no idea what they missed. I Am sorry we were not a little more bold and proud, so others can know. I Am sorry I Am a dinosaur. I Am sorry I have nothing, and I Am so very Proud to share every bit of it. Sorry if it’s not enough. I Am sorry to be Old School Canadian, and so sorry I Am forever.
I Am D.Void of San Nitty