December 20, 2020 Some science should never be attempted
Every once in a while, some scientific endeavors seem to attempt to push the boundaries of rational thought. Today, an abomination of an experiment has been discovered. Investigators are still trying to determine what twisted mind has gone forward with testing where the world has been ordered to stop. To help investigators bring these horrible culprits to justice, our program will share the details of this heinous crime. Typewriters were set out and grains of wheat scattered all about the chicken coop. Chickens were then allowed to eat the grain. As they pecked their peckers collected this data:
“Ewe dunt troost yerbills. Danyer! Them doink flatiss dampemic.”
It is obvious, that the gibberish being presented here is easily dismissed. No one has been able to make sense of any of this data, and the price of animal testing is too high to gain nothing but babble. The scientist in charge of the experiment was captured and detained by the Gerbils shortly after they took over the chicken coop. At least the Gerbil Government is willing to stand up for the rights of other beings. This sort of madness would have continued if not for the rightful intervention.
I Am D.Void of San Nitty.